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Installation guide

  1. Install Docker Engine for the desired operating system in accordance with the documentation:
  2. Install Docker Compose according to the documentation:
  3. Log in to the private registry of Docker images of the CodeScoring system using the command docker login, with the login and password received from the vendor.
  4. Download the archive with installation files received from the vendor and unpack it.
  5. Go to the created directory in the console.
  6. Copy the template file with settings:

    cp app.env.template app.env

    As a rule, no changes to the file are required for correct operation. If you need to configure CodeScoring to work through a proxy, please refer to the instructions.

  7. Copy the template file with secrets:

    If necessary, configure settings in a new file. If you do not change the parameters in the file, then by default the system will be available at http://localhost:8081.

    • List of domains for proper operation of CSRF protection. It is recommended to list localhost on the internal and external ports, as well as the external domain (or ip:port combination). Specifying the protocol is mandatory, for example:
    • DJANGO_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:18000,https://localhost:8081,https://external ip:8081
    • Connection parameters to the PostgreSQL database. The base is supplied with the installation. Specifying accesses separately is a precaution and control measure. If you are using your own database, you must ensure that it corresponds to PostgreSQL version 13.0 or higher.
      • POSTGRES_DB — database name
      • POSTGRES_USER — username. When using your own database, you must ensure that the user has the following rights: Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS.
      • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - password
      • POSTGRES_HOST - the host on which the database is available
      • POSTGRES_PORT - port on which the database is available
    • Installation secret
    • SECRET_KEY - random string of characters
    • System domain settings
      • NGINX_HOST - the host on which the system will be available
      • NGINX_PORT - port on which the system will be accessible
      • SITE_SCHEME - data transfer protocol, default https
    • Exception paths
    • ANALYSIS_IGNORED_PATHS - list of paths that will be ignored by the system during analysis. More details on adding exclusion paths can be found here
    • System version
    • CODESCORING_VERSION is a required variable. The current version can be found in the Changelog section

    Note: do not use the # symbol in the parameters, it may be interpreted incorrectly by the system during installation.

  8. Run the CodeScoring installation command (the command must be executed with system superuser rights):

    cd /path/to/docker-compose
    docker-compose -p PROJECT_NAME -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans --renew-anon-volumes

    PROJECT_NAME - hereinafter the selected project name, by default it uses the name of the current directory

  9. To view the logs you can use the command:

    docker-compose -p PROJECT_NAME logs -f
  10. After starting, the service will be available at the configured domain or address http://localhost:8081. During the first launch, additional database migrations are performed; the operation may take longer than on subsequent runs.

    Note: for the installation to work via the https protocol, you need an external balancer that implements ssl termination.

  11. To log in, you must first create a user with administrator rights using the following command (replacing prefix with the PROJECT_NAME value from step 8):

docker exec -it prefix_backend_1 python ./ createsuperuser
12. To change the administrator password, you can use the following command:

docker exec -it prefix_backend_1 python ./ changepassword <user_name>