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Notification settings

For each policy, you can configure additional notifications, in addition to viewing the results in the Policy Alerts section. There are currently two notification methods available: via email and via the Jira task manager.

Email notifications

Email notifications are sent via SMTP integration.

To send notifications via email, the mail server must be configured beforehand in the Settings -> Email section. To do this, you need to fill in all mandatory fields and check the Is active flag.

You can check if the configuration is correct by clicking the Test it button.

CodeScoring email settings example

After configuring the mail server, in the Actions section of the policy page you can add an email address to which emails with policy alerts will be sent.

Add email

The policy results email is sent after the project or container image has been scanned. The email contains a list of all policies for which notifications were configured and triggered at least once, as well as the following information about those policies:

  • Policy name - the name of the triggered policy;
  • Blocker - the attribute of the blocking policy;
  • Dependency - name of the component;
  • Vulnerability - vulnerability ID.

Create tasks in Jira

CodeScoring supports integration with the Jira Task Manager to generate tasks for triggered policies. The integration is configured in the Settings -> Task managers section.

The Setup new button form is used to create a new integration.

  • Name - name of the integration;
  • Type - type of task manager (by default - Jira Server);
  • URL - address where the task manager can be accessed;
  • Auth type - authentication type (via access token or login and password).

After filling in the fields, you can test the connection to the server by clicking Test it, or complete the creation by clicking Setup now.

CodeScoring Jira settings example

Once the integration is configured, under Actions on the policy page, you can add a Jira server on which to create a task with the policy results.