Scanning a file¶
If you need to scan a single manifest within a directory, you can use the scan file
During launching the agent:
- Identifies the format of the specified file and parses the contents.
- Generates a request to the installation to analyze the contents.
- After receiving the results, displays general information about the found manifests, dependencies, vulnerabilities, and policies that have been triggered.
- Additionally, a
file is created in the current directory, containing the full Software Bill of Materials in the CycloneDX format.
Depending on the launch parameters, the agent returns the appropriate exit code:
- 0 – successful scanning, no issues were detected;
- 1 – issues were found as a result of scanning, user action is required;
- 2 – scanning error;
- 3 – empty result, no artifacts were found for analysis. Returned only if
parameter istrue
Example of running command¶
To scan only one file, without processing nested directories or other manifests, you must specify the file path when running the command.
Command parameters¶
The scan file command has three unique parameters, in addition to the general scan command settings:
– a reference to a branch or repository tag (e.g.refs/tags/v1.0
– specifying the commit hash;--parser
– the parser to use.
For a summary of the available command parameters and usage instructions, you can call the command with the -h, --help
Available parsers¶
Language | Parsers |
Conda | conda.conda-lock_yml , conda.conda_yml_env |
Ruby | ruby.gemfile , ruby.gemfile_lock , ruby.gemspec |
С# | csharp.packages_lock_json , csharp.project_json , csharp.project_lock_json , csharp.dependencyreport_json , csharp.paket_dependencies , csharp.nuspec , csharp.csproj , csharp.packages_config , csharp.dotnet_csproj_env , csharp.project_assets_json , csharp.paket_lock |
PHP | php.composer_json , php.composer_lock , php.composer_env |
Python | python.poetry_pyproject_toml_env , python.requirements_txt , python.pipfile , python.poetry_lock , python.pip-resolved-dependencies_txt , python.setup_py , python.pipfile_lock , python.pyproject_toml , python.pip_env |
C | clang.conan_lock , clang.conanfile_txt , clang.conanfile_py |
Go | go.go_mod , go.go_sum , go.go_mod_env |
Objective-C | objective_c.podfile , objective_c.podfile_lock , objective_c.podspec |
Rust | rust.cargo_toml , rust.cargo_lock |
Java | java.pom_xml , java.ivy_xml , java.maven-dependency-tree_txt , java.build_gradle_env , java.gradle-dependency-tree_txt , java.gradle_kts , java.gradle_lockfile , java.maven_pom_xml_env , java.jar , java.gradle , java.scala_build_sbt_env , java.scala-dependency-tree_txt |
JS | js.package_json , js.yarn_package_json_env , js.yarn_lock , js.pnpm_package_json_env , js.pnpm_lock_yaml , js.npm_package_json_env , js.package-lock_json , js.npm-shrinkwrap_json |