Nexus OSA Changelog
[2024.49.0] - 2024-12-05
Added sending to CodeScoring a link to the package and the user downloading it. Compatible with installation version 2024.48.0 and higher
Added support for Nexus 3.75
[2024.46.0] - 2024-11-15
Added support for PHP Composer repositories. Available when using community plugin
Updated support for plugin compatibility with different versions of Nexus Repository:
- for Nexus Repository OSS 3.71+ and Nexus Repository Pro versions from 3.33.1-01 to 3.71+ , a version of the plugin with H2 and PostgreSQL support has been released
- for Nexus Repository OSS versions from 3.33.1-01 to 3.70.Х , a legacy version of the plugin with OrientDB support has been allocated
[2024.42.0] - 2024-10-16
Added ability to specify format of repositories to analyze using the All Repositories Scan
[2024.34.0] - 2024-08-19
Added support for Nexus 3.71
[2024.28.0] - 2024-07-10
Added scanning of archives in .gem
format for Ruby repositories
[2024.26.0] - 2024-06-27
Added the Append repository name to image name for Docker repositories
setting to allow working with the RepoPath approach for Docker registries
Removed the ability to manually start scanning the entire repository from the plugin side (flag Run manual scan on save
The Block downloads in case of plugin or CodeScoring errors
setting now takes into account scanning failures (status blocked_scan_failed
[2024.21.0] - 2024-05-24
Added Capability, which activates scanning for all repositories (CodeScoring All Repositories Scan
Added the ability to specify your own blocking message
Added a link to the reason for blocking in the component properties
Lowered the logging level for the message about skipping a repository scan
Added repository manager URL setting
[2024.7.0] – 2024-02-17
Added a link to the component page in CodeScoring in the blocking message
Added blocking message for situations where registry is not added to CodeScoring
[2024.2.0] – 2024–01-12
The list of image architectures has been expanded
Added support for new component blocking statuses
[2023.48.0] – 2023-11-22
Added new operating mode spectator
Added support for scanning multi-platform Docker images
[2023.44.0] – 2023-10-31
Added support for scanning proxy Docker repositories based on Sonatype Nexus and JFrog Artifactory
[2023.43.0] – 2023-10-27
[2023.40.0] - 2023-10-04
Added Capability for checking images from Hosted Docker Repository
[2023.37.0] - 2023-09-11
Fixed an error with saving scan results when required fields were missing
[2023.36.0] - 2023-09-05
Added an option to block the build when receiving an error interacting with the CodeScoring installation
[2023.33.0] - 2023-08-15
Added the option to save artifact scan results to the Nexus database
Added a method to the API to retrieve artifact scan results
[2023.26.0] - 2023-06-30
Added support for scanning open-source components in hosted repositories
[2023.6.2] - 2023-02-09
Added proxy server setting in the plugin configuration
[2023.6.0] - 2023-02-07
Added the HTTP Client Connection Pool Size parameter in the plugin configuration to control the number of installation requests
[2023.4.0] - 2023-01-24
Improved parsing of RubyGems components
[2022.51.0] - 2022-12-20