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Connecting to a VCS

To add projects (Git repositories) to the system for analysis, you must first create a connection to the version control system (VCS). CodeScoring supports the following platforms using Git:

  • GitLab
  • GitHub
  • BitBucket (Data Center and Server only)
  • Azure DevOps Git
  • Other Git (other platforms using Git)

Integration occurs through two possible mechanisms: Personal Access Token or SSH key. For the Personal Access Token mechanism, it is possible to connect several version control systems with the same address, but different tokens.

After connecting the version control system, it is impossible to change its type (Instance type) and address (Instance URL).

Note: if private NS servers are used to access the version control system, they must be specified in the installation settings. To obtain the appropriate templates, you must contact the vendor.

Adding an SSH key

  1. Copy an existing or generate a new private SSH key in the version control system according to the instructions for:
  2. Gitlab
  3. Github
  4. BitBucket
  5. Azure DevOps Git
  6. In the CodeScoring interface, go to the Settings -> SSH Keys section
  7. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  8. Fill out the form. The private SSH key is inserted into the Instance private key field.
  9. Go to the Settings -> VCS section.
  10. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  11. Fill out the form as shown in the screenshot. The SSH key is selected from the list in the SSH key field. VCS form with SSH key
  12. You can check the connection by clicking the Test it button. To create a connection, click on the Setup now button.

Adding a token for GitLab

Original instructions for generating a token:

  1. Log in to your GitLab account; for the cloud version, the login is available at the link
  2. Through the user menu in the upper right corner, go to the Edit profile section.

Edit profile

  1. Next, in the left menu, select the Access Tokens section.

Access tokens

  1. Give the token a name, for example, “codescoring-demo”, the date can be left blank
  2. In the scopes section, select read_api and read_repository. Token scopes
  3. Click the Create personal access token button.
  4. Copy the generated token.
  5. In the CodeScoring interface, go to the Settings -> VCS section.
  6. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  7. Fill out the form as shown in the screenshot. The token is inserted into the Access token field. VCS form for GitLab

Adding a token for GitHub

Original instructions for generating a token:

  1. Log in to your GitHub account; for the cloud version, the login is available at
  2. If your account email is not verified, be sure to do this according to instructions.
  3. Through the user menu in the upper right corner, go to the Settings section.
  4. Next, in the left menu, select the Developer settings section.
  5. In the left menu, select the Personal access tokens section.
  6. Give the token a name, for example, “codescoring-demo”.
  7. In the Select scopes section, select all options from the repos list.
  8. Click the Generate token button.
  9. Copy the generated token.
  10. In the CodeScoring interface, go to the Settings -> VCS section.
  11. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  12. Fill out the form as shown in the screenshot. The token is inserted into the Access token field. VCS form for GitHub

Adding a token for BitBucket Data Center and Server

Original instructions for generating a token in English:

  1. Log in to your BitBucket account.
  2. Through the user menu in the upper right corner, go to the Manage account section.
  3. Next, in the left menu, select the Personal access tokens section.
  4. Click on Create token.
  5. Give the token a name, for example, “codescoring-demo”.
  6. In the Permissions section, give read rights to projects and repositories.
  7. In the Expiry section, if desired, set the token lifetime.
  8. Click the Create button.
  9. Copy the generated token.
  10. In the CodeScoring interface, go to the Settings -> VCS section.
  11. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  12. Fill out the form as shown in the screenshot. The token is inserted into the Access token field. VCS form for BitBucket Server

Adding a token for Azure DevOps Git

Original instructions for generating a token in English:

  1. Sign in to your Azure DevOps account.
  2. Through the user menu in the upper right corner, go to the Personal access tokens section.

PAT menu item

  1. Next, click the New token button.
  2. Set a name for the token, for example, “codescoring-demo”, and the validity period of the token.
  3. In the Scopes section, be sure to check Read access for the Code and Identity entities.
  4. Click the Create button.
  5. Copy the generated token.
  6. In the CodeScoring interface, go to the Settings -> VCS section.
  7. Click Setup new in the upper right corner.
  8. Fill out the form as shown in the screenshot. The token is inserted into the Access token field. VCS form for Azure