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Connecting webhooks

Codescoring supports a webhook-based notification system. When events occur, a POST HTTP request is sent to the specified URL.

Adding a new webhook

To add a new webhook to the installation, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings -> Webhooks section.
  2. Click the Setup new button.
  3. Fill in the fields in the form:

    • Name – name in the CodeScoring system;
    • URL – address with the protocol. For example:;
    • Projects – list of projects for which webhooks will be applied. If the field is empty, all projects will be taken into account;
    • Events – list of events for which the notification will be triggered;
    • Token – token that is transmitted in the HTTP request (X-CodeScoring-Authentication header);
  4. Test the connection after filling in the data by clicking the Test it button. When testing, the test trigger is used with an empty payload.

After creating a new connection by clicking the Setup now button, the webhook will be displayed in the section list, with the ability to view information about it (View), change the webhook parameters (Edit), or delete it (Delete).

Request body structure

  "events": [
      "created_at": "datetime_in_iso_format",
      "trigger": "trigger_name",
      "payload": {

Request sending mechanism

Requests are processed every 5 seconds, according to a periodic task performed by the system.

A webhook usually sends one event per request. However, in the following cases, an array of events can be sent:

  • Sending accumulated events: if several events occurred within a unit of time (default is 5 seconds), they will be sent in a single request;
  • Retries: if the server did not respond or returned an error on the previous attempt, all unsuccessful events are resent in a single request.

HTTP codes in the range [200; 299] are considered successful. If the server's response is outside this range, the event is considered unsuccessful, accumulated, and resent according to the following schedule: 1 minute → 5 minutes → 30 minutes → 3 hours → 12 hours → 24 hours → 48 hours.

If at least one request remains unsuccessful after 48 hours, the webhook is disabled and no more events are sent.

Webhooks management via API

To manage webhooks, an API is provided at the endpoint /api/settings/webhooks with the following commands:

  • GET /api/settings/webhooks/ — get a list of all webhooks;
  • POST /api/settings/webhooks/ — create a new webhook;
  • GET /api/settings/webhooks/{id}/ — get information by ID;
  • PUT /api/settings/webhooks/{id}/ — completely update data;
  • PATCH /api/settings/webhooks/{id}/ — partially update data;
  • DELETE /api/settings/webhooks/{id}/ — delete a webhook by ID;
  • POST /api/settings/webhooks/{id}/refresh_availability_status/ — refresh the availability status;
  • POST /api/settings/webhooks/test/ — test the connection;
  • GET /api/settings/webhooks/triggers/ — get a list of available triggers.

Available events

Event name Trigger value Request payload structure
SCA Policy has been triggered sca_policy_has_been_triggered
"alert_id": 0,
"stage": "dev|source|build|stage|test|prod|proxy",
"level": "info|warning|critical",
"policy_id": 0,
"policy_name": 0,
"dependency_id": 0,
"dependency_purl": "purl",
"matched_criteria": ["matched_criteria", ...],
"project_id": 0
OSA Policy has been triggered osa_policy_has_been_triggered
"alert_id": 0,
"stage": "dev|source|build|stage|test|prod|proxy",
"level": "info|warning|critical",
"policy_id": 0,
"policy_name": 0,
"dependency_id": 0,
"dependency_purl": "purl",
"matched_criteria": ["matched_criteria", ...],
"container_image_id": 0,
"artifact_repository_id": 0
Project SCA analysis started project_sca_analysis_started
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Project SCA analysis finished project_sca_analysis_finished
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"vulnerabilities_count": 0,
"dependencies_count": 0
Project SCA analysis cancelled project_sca_analysis_cancelled
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Project SCA analysis failed project_sca_analysis_failed
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"error": "error_description"
Container Image SCA analysis started container_image_sca_analysis_started
"container_image_id": 0,
"container_image_name": "container_image_name"
Container Image SCA analysis finished container_image_sca_analysis_finished
"container_image_id": 0,
"container_image_name": "container_image_name",
"vulnerabilities_count": 0,
"dependencies_count": 0
Container Image SCA analysis cancelled container_image_sca_analysis_cancelled
"container_image_id": 0,
"container_image_name": "container_image_name"
Container Image SCA analysis failed container_image_sca_analysis_failed
"container_image_id": 0,
"container_image_name": "container_image_name",
"error": "error_description"
Clone analysis started clones_analysis_started
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Clone analysis finished clones_analysis_finished
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Clone analysis cancelled clones_analysis_cancelled
  "project_id": 0,
  "project_name": "project_name"
Clone analysis failed clones_analysis_failed
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"error": "error_description"
Authors analysis started authors_analysis_started
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Authors analysis finished authors_analysis_finished
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Authors analysis failed authors_analysis_failed
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"error": "error_description"
Authors analysis cancelled authors_analysis_cancelled
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Cloning of repository started cloning_of_repository_started
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"repo_url": "repo_url",
"repo_ref_name": "repo_ref_name"
Cloning of repository finished cloning_of_repository_finished
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"repo_url": "repo_url",
"repo_ref_name": "repo_ref_name"
Cloning of repository failed cloning_of_repository_failed
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name",
"repo_url": "repo_url",
"repo_ref_name": "repo_ref_name",
"error": "error_description"
Project Secrets analysis started project_secrets_analysis_started
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Project Secrets analysis finished project_secrets_analysis_finished
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Project Secrets analysis cancelled project_secrets_analysis_cancelled
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Project Secrets analysis failed project_secrets_analysis_failed
"project_id": 0,
"project_name": "project_name"
Secrets ML user model training started ml_model_user_secrets_training_run_started
Empty payload
Secrets ML user model training finished ml_model_user_secrets_training_run_finished
Empty payload
Secrets ML user model training cancelled ml_model_user_secrets_training_run_cancelled
Empty payload
Secrets ML model user training run failed ml_model_user_secrets_training_run_failed
Empty payload
Secrets ML user model accepted ml_model_user_secrets_accepted
Empty payload
Secrets ML user model purged ml_model_user_secrets_purged
Empty payload

Example of a simple Flask application

import json

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

events = []

def show_events():
    return f'<pre>{json.dumps(events, indent=2)}</pre>''/')
def handle_events():
    received_events = request.json.get('events', [])
    return 'OK'