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Scanning a technology

To make it easier to work with different ecosystems, the agent allows to scan individual technologies with a set of pre-defined settings. Scanning in this case is performed using the scan <technology> subcommand.

The behaviour of the agent during scanning is similar to that of the scan dir command, but has the following differences:

  1. Directory traversal is always performed non-recursively (as when the --no-recursion flag is used in the scan dir command);
  2. Only manifests belonging to the selected technology are processed;
  3. All parsers of the selected technology are used, including dependency resolution in the environment. Other settings are ignored;

List of supported technologies

Technologies are listed as they are used in the scan <technology> command:

  • clang
  • conda
  • csharp
  • go
  • java
  • js
  • objective_c
  • php
  • python
  • ruby
  • rust

Example of running the command

./johnny scan java . \
--api_token <api_token> \ .
--api_url <api_url> 

You can call the command with the -h, --help flag to summarise the available command parameters and usage instructions.