Building author profiles¶
CodeScoring TQI allows to study the individual contribution of authors to projects using interactive profiles and activity visualization. Information about authors is available in several formats, allowing to evaluate their work in the most complete way.
List of authors¶
The TQI -> Authors
section contains all the authors involved in changing the organization's code base.
- Author - author's name and email;
- Start date - date of the author's first commit;
- Last seen - date of the author's last commit in the project;
- Activity, mos - number of months during which the author actively committed changes;
- Project – total number of projects that author has contributed to;
- Commits - total number of commits made by the author in the project;
- Complexity - the average cyclomatic complexity of the author's commits in the project;
- Clones – the number of code fragments borrowed by the author;
- OSS count – total number of Open Source projects in which the author participated;
- Proprietor – part of the organization to which the author belongs;
- Technologies – programming languages the author works with (determined by his commits).
Activity map¶
The authors' work is visualized as an activity map, which can be seen on the Activity Map tab.
The map can be filtered by the following parameters:
- Commit Date – the period during which the commit was made in the version control system;
- Authors Number – the total number of authors displayed on the map;
- Proprietor – part of the organization that manages the project;
- Project Category – category assigned within the CodeScoring system;
- Project – name of the project;
- Technologies – programming languages used in the project.
The map can also be saved as a PNG image.
Author page¶
The author's individual page contains key metrics of his work:
- Activity period – dates of first commit and the last change by the authors;
- Activity, months – number of months during which the author actively committed changes;
- Projects count – number of proprietary projects to which the author contributed changes;
- OSS count – number of open source projects to which the author contributed changes;
- Complexity – the average cyclomatic complexity of the author's commits in the projects;
- Duplicates – the number of code fragments borrowed by the author;
- Contribution, LOC – the total number of lines of code written by the author;
- Contribution, commits – the total number of commits made by the author in the project;
In addition, the page shows lists of the organization's projects and the Open Source projects in which the author participated.
The Similar authors tab contains a list of developers with the most similar competencies to the author. The percentage of similarity between authors is calculated based on the set of technologies used, participation in projects, and complexity of the code written.
Rules for merging authors' profiles¶
Author profiles can be merged by email in the event of duplicates or multiple accounts of the same developer.
In the Settings -> Authors
section, automatic merging of authors is available by clicking the Create rules automatically button, as well as setting rules manually using Add new rule button.
After merging, the author's profile will contain all addresses associated with his main email, and his activity will be tracked by all commits with the specified addresses.