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Connecting registry with container images

To work with Docker images, it is necessary to connect registry with images in System -> Registries section.

Go to the form of creating a new connection using the Setup new button. The following fields should be filled in the form:

  • Name - name of the registry;
  • Is active - the sign of the active registry. For inactive registries the list of available images will not be updated;
  • Type - type of repository manager (Sonatype Nexus Repository, JFrog Artifactory or other);
  • Auth type – type of authorization (Basic or Bearer);
  • Host - the address of the registry with the protocol. For example:;
  • Skip TLS Verification? - whether to disable certificate validation for TLS/SSL connections;
  • Username - username with access to the registry;
  • Password - password;
  • Load full images list? - whether to periodically load information about images present in the registry.

Important: when connecting GitLab Container Registry, you must select the authorization type Bearer.

You can test the connection after filling in the data by pressing the Test it button.

After creating a new connection by the Setup now button, the registry will be displayed in the section list, with the possibility to view information about it (View), change connection parameters (Edit), or delete the connection (Delete).

To update the list of available images, click Update images list on the view page. You can check the connection by clicking the Refresh status button.